Von Jared Bailey, Benefit Global Brow and Beauty Authority und lizenzierter Kosmetiker
1. Februar 2023
Stell dir Folgendes vor: Du wachst an einem ganz normalen Morgen auf, gehst ins Bad, um dich für den Tag fertig zu machen, betrachtest dein Gesicht im Spiegel und BOOM: Es ist kaum eine Beule, ein rauer Fleck oder eine unebene Stelle in Sicht. Mit einer seidig geschmeidigen, gleichmäßigen Haut fühlst du dich bestimmt bereit, die Welt zu erobern, weil sie sich so gut anfühlt, oder?
Aber wenn diese Tage nur selten vorkommen (oder nur in deinen Tagträumen), können wir das gut nachvollziehen. Wer träumt nicht davon, so geschmeidige Haut zu haben wie ein Babypopo? Aufgepasst: Mit der Hilfe unserer Expert*innen kannst du lernen, wie du deine Haut sichtbar geschmeidig machen kannst. Und wenn du danach Lust hast, die Welt zu erobern? Dann liegt es an dir.
Bevor wir uns unseren Lieblingstipps und -tricks zur Porenglättung widmen, ist es hilfreich zu wissen, was eine ungleichmäßige Hautstruktur verursacht. Ein ungleichmäßiges Hautbild kann verschiedene Ursachen haben, zum Beispiel:
Die gute Nachricht? Es gibt schnelle Mittel für geschmeidige Haut und wir verraten sie dir! Mit ein paar unserer bevorzugten Porenpflegepraktiken kannst du deinen Weg zu einer geschmeidigeren, gesünder aussehenden Haut gehen.
It’s a classic for a reason. Washing your face helps to clear away gunk and excess dead skin cells which can lead to uneven-looking skin. But what’s better than a little good clean fun? Doubling it, of course, with a double cleanse!
Double cleansing removes dirt, oil, makeup, and debris—the kinds of stuff that can lead to clogged pores and imperfections and may make the road to your smooth skin goals a little bumpy (pun intended). Yup, double cleansing can help you kick dirt, oil, makeup, and other impurities to the curb. But the trick to double cleansing is to use the right products that work well together to clean your pores without stripping your skin of moisture.
If double cleanser duos were superhero team-ups, The POREfessional Get Unblocked cleansing oil and The POREfessional Good Cleanup foaming cleanser would start a cinematic cleansing franchise:
You’ve cleansed. You’ve cleansed again (you go, Benebabe). Now it’s time to exfoliate those pores with a toning foam! Exfoliation can be key to helping smooth away uneven texture caused by dead skin cells, helping you reveal smoother, more even-looking skin.
One of our favorite power-hitter ingredients in the toner world? AHAs—alpha hydroxy acids—and PHAs—polyhydroxy acids. AHAs and PHAs are acids that can help exfoliate skin.
Pssst: We don’t mean to brag but...The POREfessional Tight ’n Toned has got AHAs AND PHAs which help exfoliate pores. Plus, unlike some other toners, you don’t need a cotton pad to apply it to your smooth-seeking skin. Just apply 1-2 pumps to a clean face and neck with your hands. And what will you see when you do?
**Self-evaluation by 115 participants after 1 use
***Self-evaluation by 115 participants after 1 month
We recommend you use it after double cleansing AM & PM!
Skin with uneven texture may benefit from a smooth drink of water—that’s right, we're talking about moisturizer. Dry skin can lead to a rough, uneven texture as well as unwanted bumps. Moisturizing daily (right after you tone) can help skin look and feel smoother over time. But not all moisturizers are created equal. Some have a few power ingredients that can help support your smooth skin goals.
When looking for a moisturizer, keep an eye out for these ingredients:
Yeah, these ingredients are pretty special—that's why we put them ALL into The POREfessional Smooth Sip lightweight moisturizer. And look, we can’t argue with the skin-smoothing results of these product users:
Talk about a tall drink of water for your pores (sip sip)!
****self-evaluation by 115 participants after 1 month
When you close your eyes and drift off to dreamland, your skin gets to WERK, turning over dead skin cells to help support a smoother-looking skin texture. But that WERK gets a lot harder when you’ve got makeup on. By washing off your makeup (double-cleansing, toning, moisturizing, you know the drill), you’re helping your skin naturally keep itself smooth.
TL:DR? We LOVE your gorgeous makeup looks, but they’re kinda wasted on your pillow (and your pores). Take a few minutes to clean up before your next trip to Snooze City.
Not all heroes wear masks...but if you want to be a hero for your pores, you might want to consider it! Applying a smoothing mask a few times a week can give you a skin-smoothing boost and a much-deserved dose of self-care.
OH did you want a mask recommendation to help promote smoother skin? We got you.
The POREfessional Speedy Smooth mask works FAST to help your pores reach that good, good smooth. Don’t take our word for it—ask these Benebabes who’ve tried it!
*****self-evaluation by 104 participants after 1 use
******self-evaluation by 104 participants after 1 month
Schedule your next smooth skin self-care night, lovely. The POREfessional Speedy Smooth will be the first to RSVP.
Okay, we know, your skin doesn’t actually talk—listening to your skin is all about paying attention to what works and what doesn’t. That means tuning in to what feels good and what gets you closer to your pore care goals. Here's how that looks in your everyday Pore Care practice:
When you’re aiming for pores that feel like smooth criminals (in a good way), it’s smart to keep the communication lines open.
Consistency is key to achieving your pore goals, so keep up the good work and let your pores soak up the benefits of your smoothing Pore Care practice.
Smooth skin can definitely be the stuff of dreams. But with a little know-how and consistency, you can bring your smooth-skin dreams a little closer to reality. Plus, you’ve got Benefit’s 5,000+ global Pore Experts in your corner! Explore MORE about pores, and get excited to start your Pore Care journey with your pore-obsessed pals (that would be us).
Durch eine Porenpflege-Routine kannst du die Poren an deiner Nase blitzsauber halten!
Eine der besten Möglichkeiten zur Säuberung von Poren im Gesicht ist das Einhalten einer auf diese Probleme abgestimmte Pflegeroutine. Wir empfehlen eine zweifache Reinigung mit sanften Produkten, die deine Poren nicht verstopfen. Zum Entfernen von Unreinheiten kannst du auch eine Maske aus Tonerde auflegen.
Für eine gründliche Reinigung brauchst du einen nicht komedogenen Reiniger, der zuverlässig Make-up entfernt. Probiere The POREfessional Get Unblocked Reinigungsöl in Kombination mit The POREfessional Good Cleanup!
Auf jeden Fall! Eine gründliche Porenreinigung kann dazu beitragen, dass sich deine Haut gesund anfühlt. Saubere Poren weisen seltener Verstopfungen und Unebenheiten auf.